Global action requires global thinking. We are team players, enthusiasts and above all specialists with a view to the worldwide goals of our customers.
It is not enough for us to have technology in our name. We are real people with real knowledge - and the knowledge of the responsibility for our customers and partners.
We can state with pride: More than 60 employees in Germany and Asia work for you and the TECNATIVES Nt System.
“It is extraordinarily impressive that so many young and committed people are researching and developing a product together across continents.
Chairman of the Board of Directors and responsible for the international business operations of TECNATIVES. Studied technical cybernetics in Germany.
Member of the Board of Directors and responsible for Asia and strategic business development. Studied technology in Germany and Asia.
First contact person for all sales questions in the international area. Coordinates the cooperation between the international sales partners.
The tasks of the communication graphic designer include the development of advertising and information material together with the national sales partners.
The creative head of TECNATIVES LAB studied computer science in Germany and is involved in renowned research projects in the fields of bioinformatics and IT security.
Head of the joint development teams in Germany and Asia. Studied computer science in Germany and is architect of the Nt-System.
He studied computer science in Germany and is the man in the middle between the Nt App and Nt Core. With his many years of professional experience, he develops new features and gets the best out of the hardware.
He brings his skills to the development of our Nt App and is one of the most meticulous testers of our system. He studied computer science in Germany.
The trained electrical engineer is the most enthusiastic and at the same time the most critical Nt user. This drives him and his team to work on the best Nt system every day.
Among other things he studied interactive media systems and psychology. As a software developer and test engineer he makes sure that the Nt App gets a bit better every day.
The media computer scientist is responsible for the web presence of our Nt system. She also contributes to the implementation of other web-based Nt features.
The mathematician is studying at the University of Leipzig and will begin his doctorate soon. Among his scientific topics are Machine Learning Methods (KI).
She studied chemistry and biochemistry at the Universities of Leipzig and Halle. At TECNATIVES Judith is responsible for the scientific research and evaluation of biochemical processes.
She is studying musicology with minor in computer science at the University of Leipzig and supports the team in all fields. She also contributes her skills and ideas for the development of new features.
Fitness, sport, health are the passion of the head coach of TECNATIVES. His comprehensive knowledge of body and training techniques is constantly incorporated into training and further development.
Currently Jana is studying Digital Humanities in the Master's program at the University of Leipzig and supports our Nt-Universe in the support department.